Technical support consists of conducting laboratory tests to determine the optimal solutions to solve customer problems, their industrial implementation and verification of the results obtained.

Eco System Project s.r.l. has facilities that allow it to simulate operating conditions for water purification, thickening and dehydration of various sludge and sludge.

Using these devices, other application parameters such as dosage, achievable effects, determination of optimal mixing conditions of the flocculants / coagulants with the treated substrates, as well as the quality of the obtained parameters may also be determined.


After carrying out laboratory tests following the tests on the industrial.

Eco Sistem Proiect s.r.l. ensure free the required amount of flocculant/coagulants to demonstrate on the application achieving the quality parameters of select.

For the practical application of the floculantilor/coagulantilor, Eco Sistem Proiect s.r.l. provides free technical advice consisting in the displacement of the spot of the representative of the technical who will diagnose and resolve any situations arising.